Dizalica Topline ELECTROLUX 8kW


Dizalica Topline EMHP-8V/N8 EEC + EHB-100/N8 EEC komplet ELECTROLUX toplinska pumpa



Dizalica Topline EMHP-8V/N8 EEC + EHB-100/N8 EEC komplet ELECTROLUX toplinska pumpa

“Zeleno Grijanje: Sinergija Dizalica Topline i Solarnih Elektrana u SolarShopu”

UVOD: U traganju za održivim rješenjima za grijanje i hlađenje, SolarShop predstavlja idealan spoj snage dizalica topline i čistih solarnih elektrana. Ovaj inovativni pristup ne samo da osigurava energetsku efikasnost, već i smanjuje ekološki otisak, čineći vaš dom ili poslovni prostor održivijim. Upoznajte se s prednostima korištenja dizalica topline i solarnih elektrana u SolarShop ponudi.

  1. Dizalice Topline: Učinkovito Grijanje i Hlađenje: Dizalice topline koriste obnovljive izvore energije kako bi pružile učinkovito grijanje zimi i hlađenje ljeti. Umjesto tradicionalnih sustava koji koriste fosilna goriva, dizalice topline koriste energiju zraka, vode ili tla, čime značajno smanjuju emisije stakleničkih plinova.
  2. Solarni Elektrana: Besplatna Energija Sunca: Solarni sustavi pretvaraju sunčevu energiju u električnu energiju, nudeći čistu i obnovljivu opciju za opskrbu električne energije. Instalacija solarnih elektrana na krovu ili zemljištu omogućuje samostalnost od konvencionalnih izvora energije, a višak proizvedene električne energije može se pohraniti ili čak distribuirati unutar mreže.
  3. Sinergija Dizalica Topline i Solarnih Elektrana: Kombinacija dizalica topline i solarnih elektrana predstavlja optimalno rješenje za energetski učinkovite domove i poslovne prostore. Solarni paneli opskrbljuju energiju potrebnu za rad dizalica topline, čime se smanjuje ovisnost o konvencionalnim izvorima energije.
  4. Energetska Učinkovitost i Smanjenje Troškova: Korištenjem dizalica topline i solarnih elektrana postiže se znatna energetska učinkovitost. Smanjenje troškova grijanja i hlađenja uz istodobno iskorištavanje besplatne energije sunca rezultira dugoročnom ekonomičnošću i bržim povratom investicije.
  5. Smanjenje Emisija CO2: Integracija dizalica topline i solarnih elektrana značajno doprinosi smanjenju emisija ugljičnog dioksida. Ovo održivo rješenje podržava globalne napore borbe protiv klimatskih promjena, čineći vašu energetsku potrošnju ekološki odgovornom.
  6. SolarShop: Vaš Partner za Održivu Energiju: SolarShop predstavlja široku paletu visokokvalitetnih dizalica topline i solarnih elektrana prilagođenih različitim potrebama korisnika. Naš stručni tim stoji vam na raspolaganju kako bi vam pomogao u odabiru i implementaciji najboljih rješenja za vaše specifične zahtjeve.
  7. Osvježite Vaš Prostor Zelenim Rješenjima: Odaberite SolarShop za integraciju dizalica topline i solarnih elektrana te osvježite svoj prostor održivim, energetski učinkovitim i ekološki prihvatljivim rješenjem. Učinite korak prema održivijoj budućnosti s našim proizvodima i stručnom podrškom.
EMHP-10V/N8 EEC vanjska + EHB-100/N8 EEC hydrobox unutarnja – komplet ELECTROLUX toplinska pumpa
Product information

Technical privilege of EHB-EMHP heat pump system is constructed to deliver exceptional energy efficiency. The appliance is ready to pump 3-5 kW of heat at the cost of 1 kW, which confirms efficiency class ?+++ and means more than 500% of value in everyday practice.

DC Inverter technology helps to intellectually control the system work and power. The heat pump quickly and accurately reacts to temperature changes of the coolant or ambient air, optimizing its features to the actual conditions: priority source of hot water supply in the house, additional heating devices, operation according to user set requirements.

High grade of reliability is guaranteed by details and components from well-known manufacturers: modern inverter DC compressor by Mitsubishi Electric, inverter brushless electric motor of DC fan and water circulation pump by Wilo.

You can easily integrate EHB-EMHP into the home heaters’ chain, including up to 6 devices with remote control and separated climate zones. You can also improve the system later, adding new appliances for more independence and features. M-KIT thermostats for precise temperature monitor and climate management all over the house or a mixing station for underfloor heating connection.

Ecology friendly refrigerant R32 used in EHB-EMHP system saves not only financial, but either natural resources. It demonstrates extremely low factor of GWP (Global Warming Potential) – 675 (the average factor is counted – 2088) and absolutely zero factor of ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential).

For even more comfort and safety experience the following features:

  • Simple touch control
    Intuitive LCD-screen with self-diagnostics of operational parameters, error codes display and child lock system.
  • Wide operation range
    The heat pump system is effective from -25°C to +35°C outdoors for heating and from -5°C to +46°C outdoors for cooling. It is capable to heat water up to +65°C.
  • Really quiet work
    This factor is important when the device is on non-stop, day and night. Reliable and smart designed details: low noise inverter pumps and optimized hydraulic circuit – in-house sound from 38 to 43 dB(A), which is compared to the rustle of trees or bird’s wings.
  • Daily and weekly schedule
    Schedule features (daily and weekly) make it easier to manage the device. The two period schedules cannot be synchronized and are used separately. Up to 6 events can be set within daily schedule.
  • Automatic temperature switch
    Modern weather-dependent automation switches water degree when the outdoor air degree increases or decreases. This is done for rapid weather adaptation and maintenance of optimal ratio between the indoor and outdoor temperature. There are 32 fixed and 1 individual weather and temperature set points.
  • Power limit feature
    The heat pump system may be used with various power sources. Eight different power levels are available in menu. Selection procedure is simple and requires a short setup using the wired remote control.
  • Holiday away mode
    To avoid freezing in cold climate or season, improve system reliability and save energy – the Holiday away mode is activated when leave. It might be heating mode and / or HWS mode – maintaining water temperature stable low but non-freezing.
  • Max. supported temperature: 65 °?
  • Min. supported temperature: 5 °?
  • Indoor unit case color: White
  • Min. operating air temperature for the outdoor unit: -25 °?
  • Outdoor unit case color: White
  • Refrigerant: R32
  • Series: Heat pumps air-water
  • Warranty period: 2 years
  • Effective for premises up to: 105 m2
Protection and safety
  • Energy efficiency class: A+++
  • Set of fasteners included: no
  • Control panel included: yes
Packaging weight and dimensions
  • Product weight with packaging (gross): 88 kg
  • Inverter technology: yes
  • Nominal heating capacity: 8.3 kW
  • Nominal cooling capacity: 8.4 kW
  • Power consumption in heating mode: 1.6 W
  • Power consumption in cooling mode: 1.66 W
  • Max. trunk length (route): 30 m
  • Max. height difference between int. and outdoor units: 20 m
  • Power supply voltage: 220 – 240 V
  • Network cable: no
Product weight and dimensions
  • Outdoor unit weight (net): 75 kg
  • Outdoor unit height: 0.865 m
  • Outdoor unit width: 1.118 m
  • Outdoor unit depth: 0.523