Dizalica topline za sanitarnu vodu 300lt


Fuji Air Dizalica topline za sanitarnu vodu 300lt



Fuji Air Dizalica topline za sanitarnu vodu 300lt

Dizalica topline za sanitarnu vodu 300lt


* Coil set outside the tank bringing better corrosion protection

* Smart design with stainless steel or enamel tank from 200L to 300L

* High efficiency compressor with R134a or R410A refrigerant, COP above 4

* Automatic defrosting function included (with reverse cycle valve inside)

* Electrical element inside as back up for emergent request

* Thermostatic or electronic expansion valve

* Air outlet and inlet designed with duct connections for different practical usages

* Ventilation function included

* 2 steps protection for back up heater

* General and operational test carried out for each unit before package in the

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